Class of 1958 Endowed Scholarship
Criteria: (Two Awards Equal to $2000.00) The intent of the Class of 1958 Scholarships is to extend a “helping hand” through financial assistance to the recipients. The recipients may be incoming freshmen or present students working their way through Worcester State University. Preference will be given, but not limited to, relatives of a Worcester State graduate from the Class of 1958. The applicants must have a GPA of 2.75 or better and must include an essay expressing why they should be the recipients of this scholarship.
On October 28, 2002, twelve members from the Class of 1958 gathered at the University to begin the planning of their 45th reunion celebration. From the initial meeting, there was a clear sense of excitement in the room and a special camaraderie existed amongst the committee members, even though some had not returned to campus nor seen one another since their graduation. Classmates picked up right where they had left off, forty-five years earlier!
During one of the meetings, the committee discussed what type of gift they would like to present to the University’s president in honor of their 45th reunion. After much thought, the committee set a goal and challenged their classmates to come forward with donations which would enable their class to establish an endowed scholarship. As committee members reminisced about all of the great times and wonderful professors they had at Worcester State, they thought that perhaps they would name the scholarship for: Dr. Busam, Dr. Foster, Miss Wilmarth, Mr. Eager, Dr. Barlow, Dr. Shaw or Dr. Morris. The suggestions were endless! There were so many favorites that ultimately, if successful, the name of the scholarship would be The Class of 1958 Endowed Scholarship. Never before in the history of the University had this goal been realized! The campaign began!
Reunion Weekend arrived and at their class dinner on June 7, 2003, it was announced that the class had not yet met their goal. The disappointment in the room was short lived, however, as one of the members of the class stepped up to the microphone and extended a challenge: he would match up to $5,000 if the class could bring in the additional funds! The enthusiasm was palpable! The Class of 1958 embraced the challenge and succeeded in establishing the first endowed scholarship on behalf of a reunion class! The class followed this historic gift with an encore presentation at its 50th reunion in 2008. Once again, an announcement was made at the class dinner that the class was very close to endowing a second scholarship. Class members responded ardently with more gifts in the following weeks, and the class reached its goal!
The precedent has been set, and the Class of 1958 is now an example of what each reunion class can accomplish. How wonderful it would be if students today and in the future could continue to receive scholarships given by alumni who preceded them. Congratulations and sincere gratitude to all of the members of the Class of 1958 who helped realize these goals!