The Class of 1962 Memorial Scholarship
As a sign of their deep gratitude to Worcester State University for the college education they received, the Class of 1962 is proud to establish the Class of 1962 Memorial Scholarship.
With the return of Korean War and World War II veterans, there was an ever-growing population of baby-boomers, and as a result an ever growing need for state teachers. During the early sixties, Worcester State University was still a very small community, known as the Worcester State Teacher’s College. All students at Worcester State planned to teach after graduation. Some planned to teach elementary school, while others wanted to teach middle or high school. But what they all shared was the passion for helping young people achieve success through education.
The tight-knit Worcester State community of small classrooms allowed for all students to be close to one another like family, “no student was anonymous.” Some members of this Worcester State family passed away during the Class’s college journey, while other members passed after graduation. This scholarship is in memory of those who have passed away from the Class of 1962.
As members of the Class of 1962 remember their community involvement with volunteering at the Mustard Seed, “serving franks and beans on Fridays,” and helping women in need at Abby’s House, they cherish such memories of “camaraderie” and “togetherness.” They “had social times together, learned together, shared experiences, and practiced teaching together.” Now as they look back on those timeless memories, the Class of 1962 has nothing less than respect and gratefulness for the very institution that invested in their education. In this spirit, class members wish to give back so that prospective teachers graduating WSU will have a chance at success.