The Margaret M. Curran Endowed Scholarship
Criteria: (one $1500.00 award) The Margaret M. Curran Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to a full-time Elementary Education female student entering her junior or senior year who has maintained an overall G.P.A. of 3.3 or higher. A student applying for this scholarship must include an essay with her application indicating her commitment to the teaching profession.
Margaret “Peggy” Curran has enjoyed a long and happy association with Worcester State, which began in 1950 when she entered the one-building College as a freshman. Graduating in 1954 with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education, Peggy went on to receive her master’s in 1956. The lessons learned from many outstanding faculty members, including Dr. Elizabeth Foster’s admonition to be “firm, friendly and fearless,” were ones that Peggy put into practice immediately upon her graduation.
Indian Hill School was Peggy’s first home to, at times, as many as forty, second and third grade students, thus making Peggy most thankful to Dr. Foster for her sage advice. Peggy realized the importance of teaching the whole child, guiding them socially as well as academically. “You gain respect by showing respect.”
Following her tenure at Indian Hill School, Peggy transferred to Tatnuck Elementary School. Upon the special request of beloved alumna, Helen G. Shaughnessy, Class of 1943, Peggy became a Demonstration Teacher for the College. “I considered this a great honor,” recounts Peggy. Her classroom was a warm and welcoming home to many Worcester State student teachers. It was also a haven in which Peggy shared her zeal and love for teaching with Worcester State students. As Peggy shares, “It was a two-way street; keeping up with the latest teaching ideas while encouraging and demonstrating the tried and true teaching techniques.” The positive influence Peggy had on many educators is felt to this day.
Since her retirement, Peggy has been an invaluable asset to the WSU Alumni Office. Peggy devotes much of her time serving as a class agent, as a co-chair of her class reunions and as a co-chair of the Scholarship Tea Committee. When Dr. Janelle Ashley assumed the presidency of WSU in 2002, Peggy graciously offered to host a party welcoming her and introducing her to many Worcester State graduates. In 2003, Peggy was, most fittingly, the recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award for Outstanding Service to Alma Mater, the highest non-degree honor bestowed by the University on an alumnus or alumna.
Peggy’s loyalty and commitment to Worcester State are most apparent through her alumni volunteer work. Yet, Peggy wanted to do more. In honor of the fiftieth anniversary of her graduation from Worcester State, Peggy created this scholarship. “Worcester State provided me with a wonderful education and I had many excellent teachers that laid the foundation for a successful teaching career. I hope that this scholarship will help future teachers build a happy career in a most needed profession.”