The Robert Ivor O’Brien Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: (Amount Equal to One Full Annual Tuition Award) The Robert Ivor O’Brien Memorial Scholarship is awarded by the donor to a full-time junior who has demonstrated a high degree of industry, maturity, motivation and responsibility while attending Worcester State College. Students who apply must be employed either full or part time and should reference their employment in their application.
Ivor, as he was known to friends and family, was the father of Robert K. O’Brien, class of 1958. He was born on November 3, 1906, the youngest of 14 children of James O’Brien and Margaret Varley O’Brien. His father died when he was 8 months old, and Ivor, along with his brothers, sisters, and mother, began working at a very early age to help the family. He was a door-to-door salesman, who on the day he retired, had accumulated 27 years of work, six days per week, having missed two days in that entire time (vacation and sick days included). The two days were when his son and daughter were each married.
The Robert Ivor O’Brien Memorial Scholarship is designed by the donor to ensure that the recipient is guaranteed a tuition-free education toward a baccalaureate degree at Worcester State College. The donor, Robert K. O’Brien, Class of 1958, awards this scholarship in memory of his father, Robert Ivor O’Brien.