The Ada Cheever Perry Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: (Partial Tuition – $250 per semester) Applicants for this scholarship must be full-time undergraduate students at Worcester State University, entering their junior or senior year and pursing a major in Chemistry, Computer Science, Nursing or Management....

The Aileen D. Kelly Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: (Three Awards Equal to Full Annual Tuition) The Aileen D. Kelly Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student, a registered nurse, with a record of superior scholarship combined with a strong career interest and evidence of...

The Allen and Barbara (Lyons) ’59 Levesque Endowed Book Fund
Criteria: (Six Annual $250 Voucher Awards) The Allen and Barbara (Lyons) ’59 Levesque Endowed Book Fund will be awarded to full-time students who are entering their sophomore, junior, or senior year of study. The applicant should provide evidence of financial need....

The Allen and Ruth R. (Sadick) Rubin ’52 Endowed Scholarship to Honor Their Parents
Criteria: (Amount Equal to Two Full Annual Tuition Award) The Allen and Ruth R. (Sadick) Rubin ’52 Scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate student in the Education Department who is majoring in Elementary Education. The applicant must have a grade point...

The Alumni Association of the Worcester City Hospital School of Nursing Annie Vigeant Scholarship
Criteria: (Two $1,000 Awards per Year) The Alumni Association of the Worcester City Hospital School of Nursing Annie Vigeant Scholarship will be awarded according to the following priorities: A full or part-time nursing student who is: a) a graduate of Worcester...

The Alumni Scholarships
Criteria: (Twenty Awards Equal to $2500.00) The Worcester State University Alumni Scholarship, established and supported by thousands of Worcester State University alumni, will be awarded to a total of twenty new or current students who are the son or daughter of a...

The Andrew & Sharon McDonald Family Endowed Scholarship
The Andrew & Sharon McDonald Family Scholarship will be awarded to two full-time students majoring in Elementary Education preparing to commence his/her student teaching. First preference will be given to applicants that have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and are the first...

The Ann P. Martin Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: The Ann P. Martin Memorial Scholarship shall be awarded to a student pursuing a degree in one of the following disciplines, who has been recognized by his/her classmates and faculty members as a loving, gentle and kind individual: Languages and Literature,...

The Arline Lanois O’Brien/Knight Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: (Amount Equal to One Full Annual Tuition Award) The Arline Lanois O’Brien/Knight Memorial Scholarship is awarded by the donor to a full-time sophomore who has demonstrated a high degree of industry, maturity, motivation and responsibility while attending...

The Arlyn Stahl Berlin Annual Scholarship
($500 Annual Award) The Arlyn Stahl Berlin Annual Scholarship is awarded to a full-time undergraduate student who demonstrates outstanding scholarship and provides evidence of financial need. Applicants should provide a short essay attesting to the need for this...

The Barbara J. Sinnott '55 Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: Up to 3 $500.00 Awards. Throughout her life, Barbara Sinnott ’55 was an inspirational leader who made a difference in her community as a businesswoman, public servant, committed alumna, and a cherished mother and wife. She broke down gender barriers and...

The Barbara Rose Herman Scholarship
Barbara Herman, Interior Designer for thirty five years in Worcester, Massachusetts has decided to “give back” to the Worcester community that had been her home for many years and that had provided her with so many wonderful opportunities throughout her career....

The Bedard Family Scholarship
Criteria: ($1,000 Award) The Bedard Family Scholarship will be awarded to a student entering his or her sophomore year of study in the Business Administration department. Candidates are those full-time students who have demonstrated a high degree of ambition,...

The Benjamin Matan Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: ($500 Award) The Benjamin Matan Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a student majoring in Elementary Education or Early Childhood Education who has shown a passion to teach young children and who describes that passion in their essay. Given in memory of...

The Blanche Marcus Carnam Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: ($500 Award) Awarded to a female student majoring in Mathematics or Computer Science with a strong career interest and a minimum grade point average of 3.0. The Blanche Marcus Carnam Memorial Scholarship was established by her son in 1985. Blanche attended...

The Brittany (Holt) ’07 and J. Michael Grenon Family Scholarship for Chemistry
500.00 Award – The Brittany (Holt) ’07 and J. Michael Grenon Family Scholarship for Chemistry is to be awarded annually to a full time, sophomore, junior or senior “non-traditional” *student with a GPA of 2.7 or higher majoring in Chemistry. Preference will be given...

The Carol and James Donnelly Early Education and Care Graduate Scholarship
The Carol and James Donnelly Early Education and Care Graduate Scholarship will be awarded to a student working in the fields of day care or preschool education, and matriculated in WSU’s Early Childhood Education master’s degree program. Applicants working in Head...

The Charles and Esther Golub Scholarship
Criteria: (Amount Equal to One Full Annual Tuition Award) The Charles and Esther Golub Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to one full-time male student majoring in Business Administration or Economics who has demonstrated a high degree of motivation and...

The Charlotte & Ben Klein Endowed Scholarship for the Performing Arts
One $1000.00 Award Annually. Applications for the Charlotte and Ben Klein Endowed Scholarship for the Performing Arts will be reviewed by the Scholarship committee, and the scholarship awarded, in accordance with the following priorities: 1st Preference will be...

The Class of 1954 Endowed Scholarship
Criteria: (Amount Equal to One Full Annual In-State Tuition) The Class of 1954 Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to a full-time undergraduate junior or senior majoring in Education. Applicants should demonstrate financial need and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicants...

The Class of 1962 Memorial Scholarship
As a sign of their deep gratitude to Worcester State University for the college education they received, the Class of 1962 is proud to establish the Class of 1962 Memorial Scholarship. With the return of Korean War and World War II veterans, there was an ever-growing...

The Class of 1963 Endowed Scholarship
Criteria: (One $970.00 Award )The Class of 1963 Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to a full-time sophomore majoring in education in a program leading to teacher certification who has successfully completed his or her freshman year at Worcester State University. The...

The Class of 1965 Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: (Amount Equal to One Full Annual In-State Tuition Award) The Class of 1965 Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a full-time sophomore with financial need who has successfully completed his or her freshman year at Worcester State University. Candidates...

The Class of 1969 Endowed Scholarship
Criteria: (Amount Equal to One Full Annual In-State Tuition) The Class of 1969 Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to a junior or senior majoring or minoring in Education with demonstrated financial need. The individual should have the goal of teaching and include an...

The Colonel Joseph C. Deely, United States Air Force, Retired ’56 and the Elizabeth “Betty” Deely Memorial Scholarships
Criteria: (Amount Equal to $1500.00) The Elizabeth Deely Memorial Scholarship is awarded to 2 senior Nursing majors who provides documented evidence of financial need. Preference will be given to applicants who are citizens of the United States. Applicants should...

The Corrine Bostic Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: ($1,000 Award) The Corrine Bostic Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a sophomore, junior, or senior majoring in English. “People power generates poems. Such art is part of and not apart from the people,” Corrine Bostic wrote in her poem,...

The Craig Dempsey Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: ($500 Award) The Craig Dempsey Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a sophomore, junior or senior with financial need and who is majoring in Urban Studies. Preference will be given to students who are working at or volunteering with a community...

The Cynthia J. (Swenson) Blair Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: ($500 Award) The Cynthia J. (Swenson) Blair Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a matriculated, nontraditional student. Dennis R. Blair has established a scholarship in loving memory of his wife of 25 years, Cindy Blair ’02, who passed away in August...

The Dan Gavini Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: (Amount Equal to One Full Annual Tuition Award) The Dan Gavini Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a full-time undergraduate student with need. An essay must accompany the application and should provide evidence of financial need as well as any “life...

The Dan Manning, Jr. Occupational Therapy Scholarship
Criteria: (One Full Annual Tuition Award) The Dan Manning, Jr. Occupational Therapy Scholarship will be awarded to a full-time junior or senior in the Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy program. Applicants must provide evidence of financial need and have...